We are excited to announce that, with the previous Grey Zone restrictions lifted, customers are free to browse our showroom and visit members of any of our departments. We aren’t completely back to normal though, so we do ask you to follow the restrictions set out by the province for the Red Zone level that we are presently in:

  • Please use a mask and take advantage of the provided hand sanitizer upon entry and exit
  • Sign-in upon arrival
  • Keep a minimum of 6-feet from others while visiting
  • The showroom has a limited capacity, so you may be asked to wait outside if this limit is reached

Otherwise, we have had a great winter for snowmobiling and the motorcycle and ATV seasons are coming up fast, so take advantage of this increased convenience and enjoy the fun our products and services bring. Stock is still limited and demand is still high, so visit early to get a jump on what’s to come. Thanks for your understanding and here’s to some safe and enjoyable activities away from the couch!